*Disclaimer: The information on this website is based upon our research and personal use of Young Living Essential Oils. We are not doctors. Statements, products, and techniques mentioned have
                                                          not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Read the full disclaimer



How to Use

  • Topical
  • Diffuse
  • Inhale

Benefits of Melaleuca Alternifolia

promotes cleansing and purity

supports the immune system

beneficial for the skin

supports respiratory function

promotes dental health

Melaleuca a. essential oil is more commonly known as tea tree oil.  The leaves of the melaleuca tree have been used for centuries by the aborigines to care for their skin.  Melaleuca (tea tree) is valued by many cosmetic companies for its cleansing properties.

This essential oil is obtained by steam distilling the leaves from the tree and originates in Australia and France.

Click here to for more information on
Young Living's
Melaleuca Alternifolia
 essential oil.